Sunday, August 2, 2009

U can restart someone's PC by only one to ur friends....

First open notepad
write it in notepad

shutdown -s -t 0

then save it and named Click Here.bat....remember .bat is must..use any name which u like but type .bat in end except .txt.....ok.....
and save it on ur Desktop or anywhere u like...then open it...or give it to ur friend
ur computer will shutdown in 0 seconds...

use shutdown -r -t 0
if u want to restart his/her PC...

or u can try this.....

Run -> cmd -> shutdown -s -t 0

To prevent the shutdown.....use shutdown -a

shutdown -s -t 0 = this is for shut down in 0 seconds (t = time s=shutdown)
shutdown -r -t 0 = same but this is for restart comp. in 0 seconds..

use any no. in except 0 to change shutdown time....